Building the Bay since 1933.
Heretaunga Building Society is owned and operated in the Hawkes Bay. Providing investment, lending options for residential, commercial and rural property.
The Society’s funding is from retail deposits. Competitive interest rates are offered on both call and term deposits.As an investor you become a shareholder in the Heretaunga Building Society.
The Society has no lending fees and flexible terms are available to suit individual borrowers needs.
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand issued a Non-Bank Deposit Taker licence to the Society on 23 December 2014.
The creditworthiness of the Heretaunga Building Society is not required to be rated by a rating agency approved by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand under Section 157J of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1989. A replacement Product Disclosure Statement dated 21 May 2020 has been lodged and can be viewed here.